Lunaria Color Salvia

Ti piace quello che vedi ma vorresti apportare qualche modifica?
Tutti i nostri abiti sono confezionati e tinti a mano nel nostro studio. Ciò significa che puoi personalizzare i modelli, creando abbinamenti in base al tuo gusto. Possiamo mescolare parti di abiti diversi, cambiare le scollature, le lunghezze delle maniche e lo stile di chiusura, aggiungere o rimuovere elementi in pizzo, modificare la lunghezza dello strascico, la forma della gonna e molto altro ancora.Ovviamente i colori sono sempre del tutto personalizzabili: dove c’è colore si può fare senza, dove non lo vedi proposto, lo possiamo aggiungere. Amiamo creare ogni volta un abito unico per ogni sposa, Se hai un’idea, contattaci!
We are an independent creative brand of women’s clothing
Since 2007 we design and sew custom handmade clothing and wedding dresses for free spirited women all over the world. We believe in the beauty of each individual. Our passion is making clothing to dress your personal personality. After all, it’s one of a kind!

About Us
We believe in careful consumption. We value thoughtful design, striving to create timeless and modern silhouettes using quality, sustainable, long lasting materials. We care about the process as much as the end result.

Our Process
Our goal is to create a personal and unique relationship with each customer. We aim to create something with a story of its own, that expresses your personality, fits you like a glove and gets worn time and time again.

Our Studio
A single large open space where the different materials meet the hands, where people meet and ideas and creativity flow and take on a physical shape. A carefully designed atelier in which to work, to welcome and to be welcomed.

Color and Dye
To complete our customization package, you can pick a unique personalized color for your dress. After years of experience in dyeing and painting on fabric, we are proud to offer a wide range of possible colors, that give each piece a character of its own.