Charlotte’s one of a kind gown

Charlotte’s one of a kind gown

Charlotte chose a dress that was entirely one of a kind.

I had made it with no one particular in mind, as I do when I am developing new designs and experimenting new fabrics.  I used a particularly raw and textured vintage hemp, and then evolved the design so as to soften and contrast with this earthy element.  I hand cut blush lace and applique’d it to the bodice, which I also bordered with lace. The skirt I made using a champagne color satin base layer, over which I loosely draped a champagne organza I had bought in Paris the previous winter.

She fell in love with it and it happen to fit her perfectly with no alterations needed! I always leave sample dress hems super long, so that was not an issue. She’s a tall lady but there was length to spare luckily! This dress is no longer for sale, because the exact fabrics of the skirt have run out, however I can make a close version for you if you fall in love with it so do not hesitate to ask!  I don’t have an exact replica of this design in the shop, but many elements from this design evolved in to the Agapanthus, which is a slightly more minimalistic take on the same idea.

Here are some pictures of her wedding, taken by Helen Court, enjoy!

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