Naomi and Sarah, kisses and leaves
It was hard to choose which photos to feature from this incredible celebration, they were all so filled with emotion, smiles and happiness! Sarah and Naomi tied the knot this summer, and I had the thrill of dressing them both.
Naomi wore a customised version of the Paeonia dress, with the skirt part being the bottom half of the Agapanthus.
Sarah paired the smartest hat, boots and blue jeans with the Lupin top, made with the Miranda lace. Bits of the lace left over from making the top were cut out and stitched to Naomis’ bodice.
Peeking through their wedding photos was almost like being there, the festival feel of the ceremony and party, the green green trees and grasses, the colourful guests and happy children, the palpable adoration between these two ladies. Here’s a few I particularly liked, I hope you enjoy!
P.S. Sarah, your outfit is to die for, I love how you styled that lace top!